Country-specific information

The table below shows a list of European countries and their respective representative(s) who provided information about the situation of university education in audiology in their respechtive country.


Institution/ Education program represented
AUSTRIA Kurt Stephan Innsbruck University
BELGIUM Patrick Veheyden Belgian society of Audiology
Jan Wouters KU Leuven program in Audiology
  Torben Poulsen Ørsted.DTU, Acoustic Technology (Technical University of Denmark)
Ture Andersen University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and Audiological
Clinic, University Hospital, Odense

FINLAND Huttunen Kerttu
FRANCE Réné Daumann University of Bordeaux
Jean-Luc Puel Master program of Audiology, Univ. Montpellier
GREAT BRITAIN Mark Lutman British Academy of Audiology/ ISVR Southampton
GREECE Thanos Bibas University of Athens Medical School
  John Xenellis University of Athens Medical School
MALTA Elania Pace Balzan
Hero Wit
NORWAY Arne Vik HiST (University College of Sør-Trøndelag)
  Ona Bø Wie Department of special needs education / University of Oslo
POLAND Wieslaw J. Sulkowski Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists,Head & Neck Surgeons/The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
Ewa Skrodzka Adam Mickiewicz Universitry AMU
  Artur Lorens International Center of Hearing and Speech of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw
Edvard Hojan Institute of Acoustics, Poznan University
PORTUGAL Margarida Serrano Associação Portuguesa de Audiologistas/Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra
ROMANIA Alexandru Pascu
RUSSIA George A. Tavartkiladze
SERBIA Branka Mikic
SLOVENIA Jagoda Vatovec
SPAIN José Barajas
Franz Zenker Spanish Society of Audiology

SWEDEN Stefan Stenfelt Linköping University Technical Audiology
  Petra Herrlin Division of audiology, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge
SWITZERLAND Norbert Dillier Treasuerer, EFAS
Martin Kompis
Mattheus Vischer Kommission für Audiologie und Expertenwesen, SGORL
GERMANY Jürgen Kießling Co-Chair, Gießen University
Jürgen Tchorz
Inga Holube Studiengang Hörtechnik & Audiology

Gottfried Diller Fakultät für Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
Frans Coninx Institut für Audiopädagogik, Universität Köln/ Dt. Ges. für Audiologie
Thomas Lenarz Chairman, DGA (Dt. Gesellschaft für Audiologie
Martin Kinkel  
Birger Kollmeier HörTech, DGA, Chair
PHONAK Michael Boretzki