

Medizinische Physik Uni Oldenburg

Stephan D. Ewert



Mathworks Matlab

ACALOS for AFC released Posted Friday, May 08, 2015 by Stephan Ewert
The adaptive categorical loudness scaling (ACALOS) procedure and the loudness function fitting according to Oetting, D., Brand, T., & Ewert, S. D. (2014). "Optimized loudness-function estimation for categorical loudness scaling data," Hearing Research, 316, 16-27 is now available for download.

AFC 1.40.1 available... Posted Friday, February 27, 2015 by Stephan Ewert
Some flaws regarding font sizes and the splash screen in Matlab 2014b have been fixed and the updated version is available for download.

AFC 1.40.0 released... Posted Monday, August 04, 2014 by Stephan Ewert
I am pleased to announce that a new version of AFC is finally online and available for download. For those who don't know AFC, let me shortly introduce it: AFC is a versatile and highly flexible tool to design and run alternative forced choice measurements and auditory model simulations in Matlab. AFC is freeware for educational, academic or any non-commercial use. AFC requires no specific hardware or sophisticated programming skills.

Here is a short summary of the features of the AFC 1.40.0 release:

  • free configurable n-interval, m-alternative forced choice method
  • transformed up-down, staircase, method of constant stimuli
  • response collection via computer keyboard, mouse or touch screen
  • configurable language and feedback settings
  • subjects can be human or computer model
  • inbuilt computer model scripting and examples
  • inbuilt tools for stimulus debugging
  • inbuilt calibration and external hardware control tools (e.g., TDT)
  • only basic Matlab scripting skills required to design new experiments
  • example experiments included
  • no special hardware required
  • customizable use of third-party sound output tools
  • students can use it on any computer running Matlab freeware license for educational, academic or any non-commercial use
  • fully downward compatible to experiment files from any previous AFC version since 1999
  • shipping with a AFC-specific free version of SoundMexPro with full 2-channel support

ACALOS for AFC... Posted Friday, August 01, 2014 by Stephan Ewert
The adaptive categorical loudness scaling (ACALOS) procedure and the loudness function fitting according to Oetting, D., Brand, T., & Ewert, S. D. (2014). "Optimized loudness function estimation for categorical loudness scaling data," Hearing Research, in press is coming soon ...

AIA-DAGA poster... Posted Friday, March 15, 2013 by Stephan Ewert
My AIA-DAGA poster can now be downloaded by clicking this link.

Website relaunch... Posted Wednesday, March 13, 2013 by Stephan Ewert
A new release of AFC is currently prepared for release and I have relaunched the website after 8 years for the AIA-DAGA 2013 - Conference on Acoustics, where I am presenting the upcoming 1.30 version of AFC. I have closed the download section for the time being. The site will be updated shortly after the meeting. Thanks for your patience and thanks for using AFC during the last 14 years.

AFC 1.30.0 in the making... Posted Sunday, March 10, 2013 by Stephan Ewert
I am pleased to announce that a new version of AFC is currently in the making and expected to go online soon.

AFC Copyright (c) 1999-2013 by Stephan Ewert.
Matlab Copyright (c) 1984-2013 by The Mathworks, Inc.
Site design by Stephan Ewert.